Bohemian Horseradish Crowns

Bohemian horseradish

Freshly dug Crowns harvested per order.
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Crowns vary in size

We don’t use any herbicides, pesticides or toxic chemicals anywhere on our property.

This is Bohemian type Horseradish – Bohemian horseradish originated in Czech lands and is identified by it’s leaf shape which is narrower and is not heart shaped at the bottom where it meets the stem.

Bohemian type horseradish live forever, and is very resistant to pests and disease.

We inherited our wild patch when we moved to our community where many people from Czechoslovakia immigrated in the 1800’s. The patch is densely crowded and neglected, but the roots are very happy, healthy and plentiful. If you care to, you can grow yours straighter and without the small rootlets.

Horseradish is a rich source of various important bioactive compounds including sulforaphane and glucosinolates – touted for their many health benefits. Horseradish is said to contain more of these compounds than even brocolli.

One possible reason for the resistance of Bohemian type horseradish to pests and disease could be the higher levels of glucosinolates and other compounds which serve to deter pests. When a leaf or root is chewed, cut or damaged, mustard oils are produced from these compounds which give the characteristic pungency. These compounds are considered to play a role in plant defense against insects, bacteria, and some fungi.

Delicious made into a sauce either alone or mixed with mayo.

Makes an excellent and versatile plant to include in your medicinal garden – useful for many maladies!

Planting directions are included with your order.


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